Youth Forum is a dynamic, community-based discussion group made up of diverse youth and adults, working together meeting monthly to support youth services and build strong community assets for healthy youth and families. This program helps youth and local adult leaders to come together in a safe space to communicate about important issues and form connections to build up the positive community assets available.
Youth Forum at GHS is now in its 30th year and we couldn’t be prouder of the work that has been accomplished at this table. Throughout the years, discussion generated at Youth Forum has brought a number of exciting initiatives and services to the youth and families of our communities such as school clubs, substance misuse prevention initiatives, bullying prevention programs, philanthropic pursuits, a quiet crisis response network, and a local skate park to name only a few.
GHS Youth Forum is co-convened by CHCY Executive Director Samantha Bailen and GHS Guidance Counselor John Webb and meets on the 2nd Friday of each month during the school year from 12pm to 1:30pm. It is open to the public and any GHS student who wishes to attend.
Questions? Reach us at [email protected] or (603) 497-3499.